Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little - 3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 16th Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89169

How Long Should I Wait after Drinking Before Driving?

Drinking and driving is against the law but if you have consumed alcohol how long should you wait after drinking before driving?

In order to be able to drive within the law and to drive safely you should wait until your blood alcohol concentration or BAC is under 0.05. BAC is the amount of alcohol contained in a person’s blood. It is measured as weight per unit of volume of blood. It is usually quoted as a percentage so 0.05% indicates that one twentieth of a person’s blood is alcohol.

However, you must remember that the alcohol does not enter into the blood stream immediately and the BAC can continue to rise for up to three hours after your last drink. The only thing which makes the alcohol leave the system quicker is time, no amount of coffee or cold showers or fresh air will make any difference.

You should wait one hour for each standard measure of alcohol you have drunk as it takes the liver that long to break the alcohol down.

If you, or a loved one, have been seriously injured or killed in an auto or motorcycle accident, the Boulder City accident attorneys of Jolley Urga Woodbury & Little can help you get the compensation that you deserve. Please call us at (702) 699-7500 or contact us online today to schedule your free initial consultation and learn more about your legal rights.